Not Authorized Yet for the Production Board Board


Top Secret! Let’s fix your access level.

If you are reaching this page you are not yet authorized to have access to the Leader Board. But we can fix it!
You have one of three possible problems:
1. If you are not currently a FexContracting agent…just call Mark at (800) 673-5309 and join the team today.
2. If you are contracted but haven’t been submitting your production numbers to the Leader Board…Just call Mark Stover at (800) 673-5309 and learn how to start submitting your numbers each week and you will have access to see the board which is updated weekly.
3. If you ARE a FexContracting Agent and you HAVE submitted your weekly numbers but you have reached this page…just call Mark and let him know. He can easily fix the error and give you access.

We want ALL agents to participate. It’s motivating and helps you with your personal goal setting.

While you are waiting for Mark to give you access, you can sign up to participate on the leaderboard by clicking this link:

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